Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekly Update ~ November 6th

What a spectacular week we had in first grade! 
On Monday, we had our Fall Celebration!  Everyone had a fantastic time!  Hopefully you had a chance to check out our video highlighting our celebration and some of the fun activities the kids took part in throughout the day!  
On Tuesday, the PTC sponsored a musical health assembly, Slimgoodbody, for the students at McCormick Elementary.  The presentation was very engaging, and the students actively participated in singing songs about bones, muscles, and their body.  To name a few topics, we learned about our cerebrum, cerebellum, heart, muscles, bones, and joints. 
Check out the following website for more information:
Nivesrita promises, "I will never smoke!"
Students stretch their bodies.
Do you remember?:
  • What are the bones that make up your fingers and feet called? 
  • How many bones are in your body?
  • What is the "Down, Down, Down" song?
In Language Arts, the students completed Unit 1, Week 5 as they learned about teamwork and skills involved in the game of soccer.  We also continued to practice identifying types of sentences.  In addition, we worked on blending letters in the beginning and end of words.
*Ask your child to read the following words: 
  • black      crack        split          flip         hand           band         rang        sang            grant        slant 
Another skill we have been working on in first grade is putting a list of words in alphabetical order.
*Ask you child to put these words in ABC order: 
  • zebra
  • alligator
  • bear
  • monkey
*We have also been discussing the author's purpose when writing a text.  Did the author write the story to entertain, persuade, or inform?  Practice identifying the author's purpose with the following website:

We will begin next week with Unit 1 review activities, and will take the Unit I Test over a 2-day period on Wednesday and Thursday.  Listed below are some helpful sites for practicing last weeks skills:

In Math, we continued to work on Addition Strategies.  The students learned how to “count-on” by 1 and 2, use a number line to add, and learned ways to memorize the doubles addition facts.  Ask your child about their Dinosaur Double book. 
Check out the following websites for more addition fun!
*Your child should NOT be using his/her fingers to add.  Instead, always start with the bigger number, say the bigger number…and use a strategy to solve.  Provide manipulatives such as cereal, pennies, beans, paperclips, etc. as needed.  Using these strategies will help your child begin to develop mental math strategies, which will lead to memorization of addition facts. 
In Social Studies, we discussed Native Americans.  We talked about their locations in North America, as well as their different types of homes. 

We also introduced our new Author of the Month, Marc Brown. 
Marc Brown is famous for his creation of the character, Arthur.  Check out the following link for interactive Arthur activities.
  • What are Marc Brown's children's names?
  • Where did Marc Brown grow up?
  • What is your favorite book written by Marc Brown?



Finally, we ended the week by celebrating awesome behavior demonstrated by the entire class throughout the month of October!  Because we all stayed "in the green" throughout the month, we earned lunch with Mrs, Swisher in the classroom!  Congratulations to everyone! Keep up the PERFECT behavior!