Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekly Update ~ 3/4/12

We had another fun-filled week of learning in first grade! 

Language Arts
- In Language Arts, we began Unit 4: Let’s Team Up.  The children enjoyed reading two different versions of the folktale, Drakes Tail.  We focused on making and confirming predictions as we read.  We also compared and contrasted stories throughout the week.  Additionally, we had a blast working with words as we identified rhyming words, practiced blending and segmenting words, and categorized words. 

Extending the Learning in Language Arts
For additional practice, check out the following sites:

-In Spelling, the students were introduced to long a, spelled with letters –ai and –ay.  They built rhyming words such as play, day and hay, and rain, gain, and chain.  We also played spelling memory, and practiced unscrambling and building our spelling sentences. 

Extending the Learning in Spelling
For additional practice, click on the following links:

Electric Company video:

Karyu and Jolie compare their animals. 
Which one is smaller?

-Our Grammar lessons focused on using was and were verbs to complete sentences.  We also reviewed capitalizing proper nouns, and compared objects using –er and –est endings. 
Caleigh and Megan compare stuffed animals. 
How are they alike?  How are they different? Which is bigger?

Extending the Learning in Grammar
For more practice, click here:

Mrs. Swisher demonstrates adding 3 numbers.

-In Math, we focused on addition strategies as we introduced chapter 13.  The students identified doubles facts, such as 4+4=8, and doubles plus one facts.  We know 4+4=8, so 4+5=9.  We also worked with adding 3 numbers and solving addition word problems.  We will move into a review of subtraction strategies next week.      

Doubles addition with Dr. Seuss.
Extending the Learning in Math
For additional math practice, check out the following sites:

Addition Word Problems:

Number Line:

Picnic Lunch with Mrs. Swisher!

-We celebrated excellent behavior throughout the month of February with a special picnic lunch with Mrs. Swisher!  The students had a delightful time eating their lunches picnic style, while also cuddling up with their favorite stuffed animal and a good book!  Keep up the magnificent behavior throughout the month of March!  I am proud of you all! J

                           Read Across America
-Friday, March 2nd was Read Across America Day, in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday!  Thank you to all who joined us in reading throughout the day.  The students loved hearing all of your favorite stories!  Please check out our video for highlights from our day! 
Theodor Seuss Geisel, also known as Dr. Seuss, is our Author of the Month for the month of March.  We kicked off our author study learning with There’s a Wocket in my Pocket, a rhyming story about silly creatures hiding around a house.  Peek-a-boo!  We had a splendid time as we created our own rhyming characters hidden inside a pocket.  We can’t wait to have many more adventures in learning through Dr. Seuss’ other books!  Check out Dr. Seuss’ homepage for his biography, books, interactive games, and more!

Odds and Ends
-March Book-It Reading Lists have been distributed to the children.  March is the final month for the Pizza Hut Book-It Reading program.  Just read the designated number of books, record the book title and author, and return to Mrs. Swisher for your certificate!  (Weekly reading stories count towards the Book-It program!) 

-Please continue to read with your child every night.  Our Accelerated Reader Program will continue through the month of May.  Read an AR book at home (2 or 3 times), and take the test the next day at school.  All first grade students who have earned 25 AR points by the end of May will take part in a school-wide pizza party at the end of the school year!  Keep up the super reading! 

- A BIG “Thank You” for the classroom donations of tissues, band-aids, pencils, and Ziploc bags!  I truly appreciate all of your support! J