It was a busy week in our classroom!
- We practiced reading and writing with an emphasis on the short a sound and had our first chance to explore our reading anthology. We introduced the kids to, which is a terrific resource for kids, parents, and teachers.
- I assessed students on foundational reading skills using the DIBELS assessment this week. This will help me to target specific instructional skills for each learner in our classroom.
- In math, we used models to solve addition problems. We drew some models and we used pennies for manipulatives. Some students no longer need to use models for their basic facts, but creating models is an important skill to develop as we continue to learn and study problemsolving skills and explaining our math strategies.
- We had our first spelling tests this week!
- School pictures were taken on Thursday. The boys and girls looked wonderful!
- McCormick's Olweus Bully-Free Program Kick-Off took place on Friday. This included watching our We Will, We Will Rock You video created by students and staff, rock painting, a review of bully-free rules, creation of a school-wide rock garden, eating Eat 'n Park cookies, and a rock concert by Moon graduate/country singer Sarah Marince. What a day!
- Finally, we met our fifth grade buddies on Friday! The kids were thrilled to read Halloween books together!
- Monday is a Day 5. Don't forget your sneakers for gym class!