Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekly Update ~ October 30th

Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention program reaching millions of Americans during the last week of October every year.  Thank you to all who participated in our Red Ribbon week activities throughout the week.  The children enjoyed dressing up each day while raising awareness and pledging to be drug free.  For more information on drug abuse resistance education and kid-friendly activities, visit the D.A.R.E. website:

As part of our Red Ribbon Week activities, the PTC hosted a special safety assembly which featured a video presentation of The Safe SideThe video included an “interesting and engaging blend of zany characters, humorous situations, and serious safety messages”.  Ask your child to tell you 3 important tips they learned from Safe Side Superchick.  For more information visit the Safe Side website:

Accelerated Reader (AR) 
This week, the students were assigned to read an AR book for homework.  Throughout the school year, students are encouraged to read books from the Accelerated Reader list.  An Accelerated Reader book list can be found online at  Once your child reads the book he/she can take a basic comprehension test on the book to earn AR points.  (Mrs. Swisher recommends reading the book at least 3 times before taking an AR test, as tests can only be taken one time on each book.  Chapter books only need to be read once, but you may want to review the book prior to taking the test.)  Most books are worth 0.5 points.  The goal for first graders is to earn 25 AR points by the end of May. 

In Language Arts, we continued writing detailed sentences about pets in our journals.  The students also began editing their own writing by checking for capital letters and proper end marks.  Additionally, we reviewed the skill of plot, and sequencing events from beginning, middle, and end.  Finally, the student reviewed the 3 types of sentences, statement, question, and exclamation. 
In Math, we completed chapter 4, Subtraction.  We will begin chapter 5, Addition Strategies next week.  Check out this link for some helpful addition strategies. 
Click this link to play Ghostblaster II, a spooky addition game!
Click here to practice sequencing numbers

We also finished our Weather and Seasons unit in science.  Your child should be able to identify the 4 seasons, winter, spring, summer, and autumn/fall.

Practice identifying the 4 seasons here:

Practice reading a thermometer here:

On Monday afternoon, we will have our Fall Celebration!  The children will take part in a fall craft and activities, fall reading, and enjoy a snack.  The children will NOT be dressing in costumes for the celebration.  There will be no homework on Monday, as it is Moon Trick-or-Treat night.  Have fun and be safe!