Friday, April 6, 2012

Weekly Update ~ 4/6/12

Who knew we could squeeze so much learning and so much fun into one short week?!

Lunch with Mrs. Swisher!

Language Arts

- In Language Arts, we read several nonfiction books on various animals, such as sheep, deer, chickens, and puppies.  The students selected an animal of their choice in which to read and report upon.  The students were excited to share facts and details about their animal.  We used the 4-Square graphic organizer to plan our animal report, which includes information about where the animal lives, what kind of food the animal eats, and other interesting facts.  Next, the students began to write the first draft of their animal report. 

-In Math, we completed Chapter 21, Fractions.  The students are able to identify fractions as equal parts of a whole.  They can identify halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths.  We also practiced using rulers to measure in inches and centimeters.  As an extension of our Animal Reporting, the students were asked to bring in a special stuffed animal to use for some measuring activities.  The students traced their stuffed animal onto poster board, then made some cuddly calibrations, measuring the length of their animals’ head, body, arms, legs, and more! 

Finally, we practiced addition and subtraction strategies, counting mixed coins, and sharpened our number sense as we participated in some interactive spring center activities! 

Special Agent Easter Egg Hunt
-The students had a splendid time participating in a Special Agent Easter Egg Hunt, which was thoughtfully planned by the first grade homeroom parents!  The students were first given their special agent badges with their secret code name and fingerprint, and had to find their special agent team members by following a secret code on their badge.  Once the teams were established, each team received their assignment, a map of the schoolyard, and clues to find their special agent bags.  Once the special agent bags were found, the children geared up for the egg hunt, with glasses on and magnifying glasses ready!  After lots of smiles and laughter, and some egg-cellent teamwork, the mission was accomplished!  The children all enjoyed this special event.  Thank you to our wonderful first grade parent volunteers for organizing an eggs-traordinary activity for our first graders! 

Wishing you and your family a wonderful spring break!