Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekly Update~4/29/12

We had a fantastic week in first grade!

Language Arts
- In Language Arts, we read Kevin Henkes adorable book, Kitten’s First Full Moon.  The children loved this entertaining story about a kitten that sees a full moon and thinks it’s a bowl of milk.  Poor kitten keeps on chasing the moon, but cannot get it!  He even ends up in a tree, and in a pond!  Will kitten ever get the “milk”?  Ask your child about the ending of the story! 

Extending the Learning in Language Arts
For additional practice, check out the following sites:
Kevin Henkes website:
Cause and Effect: 


-In Spelling, the students were introduced to r-controlled words with -ir, -er, and    -ur.  The students took part in many spelling activities throughout the week to practice their new words.  Please be sure that your child completes his/her nightly spelling homework neatly!  Also, the children should be using proper letter formation in their daily writing.


Extending the Learning in Spelling
For additional practice, click on the following links:


-Our Grammar lessons focused on identifying and using adjectives that tell how a nouns acts, sounds, feels, smells, tastes, and looks.  We practiced using a variety of describing words throughout the week, while taking part in many exciting hands-on activities.  To introduce adjectives, we played a guessing the hidden objects game.  Mrs. Swisher presented six mystery bags to the students.  The students had to feel the hidden object and give their teammates describing words to guess the hidden object.  We had a blast describing keys, tissues, play-doh, fruit snacks, and more!  For our next activity we described spring using six colorful adjectives to make spring windsocks.  We also drew a self-portrait and described ourselves using adjectives. 

Extending the Learning in Grammar
For more practice, check out the following links:


-In Math, we introduced chapter 22, Counting Money.  The students practiced counting pennies, nickels, and dimes.  We had a marvelous time counting mixed coins, and playing banker in math centers.  We also created daily restaurant specials and counted mixed coins as we set a price for our special feature menu item! 

Extending the Learning in Math
For additional math practice, check out the following sites: