Can you believe it's June? My first graders will officially become second graders in just 6 school days!
Language Arts |
- We’ve been busy little readers these past two weeks! Last week we enjoyed reading a nonfiction story, How a Tiger Cub Grows Up, which provided detailed information about the stages of a tiger’s life. The children loved looking at the real photographs of baby Tara and her trainers. She was adorable as she learned to eat, play, and swim! Check out the mini-books we created to practice retelling the main events of her life.
Making Mini-Books!
-This week, we had even more fun with the lovable pig, Olivia! Our focus skill was comparing fantasy and reality. The children had a fun time creating Olivia the Pig out of construction paper, and then writing a book about the many ways in which she was a make-believe character. Can you list reasons why Olivia is a fantasy?
For more information about Olivia, check out the following link:
Spelling |
-In Spelling, the students were introduced to -oi and -oy words last week, as well as -oo words this week. The students took part in many spelling activities to practice their new word families. I am very pleased with the students’ performance on our weekly spelling tests and am happy to announce that this week’s spelling test was the last of the school year.
Playing spelling review games!
Grammar |
-In Grammar, we’ve been focusing on using adjectives to make our writing more exciting. After reading Lauren Child’s book, I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato, we practiced using adjectives and the art of persuasion to convince Lola to try eating something new. Take a look at our final products. If you were Lola, would you be persuaded to taste the new food?
Math |
-In Math, we have been working on telling time to the hour and half hour. We are able to read both digital and analog clocks. We will continue to work on telling time and identifying elapsed time throughout the remainder of the school year.
McCormick Madness Day! |